Audition and Audition Results FAQ
Do I need to audition? Should I register for my audition to advance?
Yes, all ABA programs enroll students by audition only and all students must register and pay the $45 audition fee online to audition for any ABA program. Detailed audition information as well as the online audition registration form for Summer 2025 can be found on our Audition Page. Students should arrive at least 15 minutes before the audition time. All potential applicants need to register for their audition in advance.
How do I audition for the Summer 2025 programs?
Students can audition in-person during our official audition dates at ABA or via video submission. Detailed audition information for Summer 2024 auditions can be found on our Audition Page.
What if I am not able to attend any of the audition dates listed?
Students not able to attend a scheduled in-person audition can register for a video audition through our online audition registration form.
Do the audition photos need to be professionally taken? What photos/positions do I need?
All students must upload one photo in first arabesque, one tendu side and one head shot with their online audition registration.
Photos can be in pointe shoes or ballet slippers - students should choose the option that best demonstrates their ability.
The photo does not need to be professionally taken (cell phone photos are acceptable), as long as the photo is clear, taken in a well-lit area, and shows the student's full body.
Photo files should be labeled with the student's full name and pose (ex: Jane Smith Arabesque, not IMG_0111).
How many summer intensive programs can I audition for? What levels and programs will I be considered for?
You can audition for 2, 4 or 6 weeks intensives and may specify on your audition registration which programs you would like to be considered for. Some students may receive acceptance to programs other than those they have requested if the faculty deem it appropriate. Students are considered for all levels of the programs.
What can I expect during the audition?
The audition class will consist of barre, center, pointe for the women if applicable and men's technique for the men.
When will I receive my audition results? How will they be sent to me?
Most audition results are sent out via email within two weeks of the audition date, although some results may take up to three weeks during the busy season. Students who have urgent deadlines upcoming for other programs may email ABA contact@akhmedovaballet.org to request audition results early. However, we ask that students be patient and wait for their results by email whenever possible.
Can I audition for just the year-round program during the Summer Intensive audition tour?
Yes, but please know that the summer intensive programs are considered “Phase Two” in the audition process for the year-round Professional Training Program. Participating in one of the summer programs allows Mme. Akhmedova and the faculty to see how the student works over an extended period of time and allows the student to get first-hand experience of ABA, its faculty, and programs, thereby allowing both to determine whether the student and school are a good fit. We recommend students who would like to be considered for the year-round program indicate their interest on their audition registration so that the faculty can keep this in mind during the summer intensive. Auditions for the year-round program are held during the four-week Summer Intensive each year for interested students.
I’ve received an acceptance to an ABA summer program but I’m still waiting to hear back from other programs.
Each student’s acceptance letter states a deadline by which they must submit their enrollment forms and tuition deposit in order to secure their place in the program. Students who wait until after their deadline are NOT guaranteed a place in the intensives and can be enrolled only if space is available.
I received a waitlist letter. What now?
Students who have been offered a place on the waitlist must respond to their email within ten days confirming that they would like to remain on the waitlist. Students who do not respond will not be placed on the waitlist. Students who have accepted a place on the waitlist will typically receive their final results in March.
I’ve been accepted! How do I enroll?
All students who wish to enroll and save their spot must fill out their online enrollment form and upload their invoice with first payment by the deadline listed in their acceptance letter. Checks can be mailed to Akhmedova Ballet Academy, 9511 St. Andrews Way, Silver Spring, MD 20901. Once you have been accepted, we encourage you to enroll as soon as possible. Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis only. Once classes have filled, we will no longer be able to accept additional registrants. After the deadline listed in your acceptance letter has passed, we cannot guarantee your space.
Where can I find tuition and deposit information?
All tuition and deposit information can be found on the invoice included with your acceptance letter. Please note that late fees are assessed on all late payments as outlined in the Payment Policies, and we are not able to send reminders for payments due or deadlines; please refer to your invoice for all relevant information and make careful note of your payment due dates.
When will I receive more information about the program?
All enrolled students will receive a Student Code of Conduct form via email in late spring providing detailed information about the program.
Note: All students and parents must sign and submit the online Student Code of Conduct Agreement (asserting that they have read the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the policies therein).
Can I apply for a scholarship or financial aid?
ABA awards a limited number of merit-based tuition scholarships for the summer program. All students are automatically considered during the audition process. If a scholarship is not noted in your child's acceptance letter, this indicates that your child was not awarded a merit-based scholarship.
What happens if the Intensive(s) can't be held in person due to COVID-19? Does the tuition change?
While we are currently planning to hold the Intensive(s) in-person, in the unlikely event the Intensive(s) must pivot to a virtual format due to government mandate, lockdown, other pandemic-related reasons, or as-yet-unforeseen causes outside the control of ABA, all registration fees, tuition fees, scholarships, and refund/payment policies will remain the same as indicated on your invoice for in-person instruction.
Where do the ABA summer programs take place?
All Summer Intensives and Year-Round Training Programs take place at our three state-of-the-art studios. Address: 8505 Fenton Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Can I do just a part of a ABA Summer Intensive Program?
We highly discourage partial participation, as the summer curriculum builds progressively over the course of the program. If extenuating circumstances prohibit a student from participating fully, we request that the family send an email to explain their situation in writing and request approval.
What is the daily schedule like?
A sample schedule is included in the online enrollment form and in the Student Code of Conduct. Individual schedules are provided each weekend for the upcoming week. The full schedule for the first week of the ABA intensive is sent out at the end of the first day, following placement classes.
Class schedule for all programs is Monday-Friday 10am - 4 pm. Details to follow.
Each level has a minimum of 3-5 classes per day. These include: Classical Technique, Pointe, Variations, Character, Contemporary, Improv, Pilates, Stretch and Strengthening
How are levels determined for accepted students?
Placement classes for ABA are typically held on the first day of the program. In some cases, students may be initially placed according to age and the faculty will then observe over the first few days to ensure that all students are placed appropriately, making changes as necessary. Placement for all programs is determined at the discretion of the faculty.
What is the dress code?
Please see our page for complete information. ABA will also email you a list of dancewear stores in the area for your convenience. Some items can also be purchased at ABA.
All students must adhere to the dress code at all times without exception.
Black leotard, white leotard, pink footed tights
Pink ballet slippers, pink pointe shoes
White short wrap skirt
Black character shoes
Light blue or white rehearsal tutu for 12+ (ABA rental option)
Black character skirt (length: below knee or mid-shin)
Black tights (for contemporary)
Hair pulled back in a clean neat bun, no jewelry besides earring studs, no nail polish
White leotard or fitted t-shirt
Black footed tights, black ballet slippers
Black character shoes or jazz shoes
Dance belt
Are there planned activities in addition to the daily training?
ABA offers a professional in studio photo shoot during the 6 weeks intensives for all ages. The photo shoot is not included in the tuition cost. On that day students will have the great opportunity of getting individual photos and head shots taken by a well known dance photographer. Our gorgeous ABA costumes are available for the shoot for free.
Is there a performance at the end of the program?
There are demonstration performances at the end of each intensive. Family members and friends are invited to watch. Photo and video recording are permitted, no flash allowed.
Can I be considered for the Professional Training Program (PTP) while participating in the Summer Intensive?
ABA holds auditions for the PTP during the four-week Summer Intensive each year, as well as video auditions. All summer students interested in being considered for the year-round program should register for and attend these auditions.