“Ballet 101” Adult Ballet Class Series 

ABA’s Adult Class Series "Ballet 101" is a program that includes both classical ballet technique and Pilates.  These classes will be primarily focused on the Vaganova method of ballet training, but will also include pilates exercises for strengthening and flexibility. The class will focus on the understanding of the body as whole with special attention paid to the correct posture and coordination of body movements. In addition to the ballet technique aspects of this class pilates is introduced to the students for the use of core stability, strength and flexibility. These exercises will help the students pay attention to muscle control, posture and breathing.

This class will be taught by Jessica Novakovich who is a ballet and Pilates instructor at ABA. A graduate of the Akhmedova Ballet Academy, Jessica danced professionally for several years before beginning her work as a teacher. She is excited to work with older students and she hopes to bring her joy and passion for ballet and pilates to the studio with a new group of adults.

We offer this program to adult student dancers, first timers through intermediate. All ages are welcome to sign up for this wonderful opportunity. We will start these series in September 2025.

If interested in this program please email us at: mme@akhmedovaballet.org